Neil – Mother: 25 Apr 1918

3rd letter

No 2 D.D
25th April 1918
Dear mother,
More messing around! The orderly room here last night told me that that routine order about the cables did not mean what it said at all, but that only “deferred” cables (1/4) would be delayed for four to six weeks; that “ordinary”s would still be dispatched immediately or as immediate as possible. I shall prosecute enquiries further today and if there is any chance of getting through, I’ll cable for £20 with instructions to send it through the bank of NZ. I’ll have to cut it pretty short for 2/8 a word is simply eating money especially as the surname has to be included in the signature and I must have Neil in it so that you wont think it is Trot or even Vic. I dont know whether Vic cabled you he was returning or not.

So don’t be surprised whether you have received a cable or not.
