Vic – Dad: 30 Jan 1918

Jan 30th 1918
Dear Dad
You may be surprised to know that I am still in Codford. There was a lot leaving here for Sling ten days ago, but they deferred me for a week. Another lot went last Tuesday, and I was again put back for further training. I am now classified B1, so that I will be in Codford for a few weeks longer. When Mc arrived in Sling I thought I would be there with him, but now it is doubtful whether I will be there in time to see him, before he goes. He has written, saying that he expects to be there till about the end of Feb, but they are never certain. I have had letters from Neil. He is all right again. Norman’s letters must be going astray some how, unless he has not time to write, because I have not heard from him yet. Letters from the line are often delayed a great deal, and I am expecting to hear from him any time now. There is nothing much to write about here just now. There is a lot of internal trouble in all countries just now, but that will be stale news by the time you get this. I will have to close for the want of something to write about.
