Vic – Mother: 21 Jan 1918

Codford Jan 21st 1918
Dear Mother
Since writing last week, I have written to Mc. at Sling. He arrived a week
or two ago. Came through the Panama via Halifax. You have probably heard
from him but I thought I would mention it in case his letters were lost. He
expects to be in Sling untill the end of Feb. I thought I would be there
myself before this, but I am still at Codford. They classified me A. last
Wed., just six months after coming from France, but when the examination
took place on Friday I was deferred for one week for further tests. Last
Thursday I got a lot more letters from N.Z. including four from home, the
lates date being Nov 24th. You were asking about the papers you are
sending, but no Stars have arrived, and only two observers and one Weekly
News, and they came about two or three months ago. You had better not send
any more papers of any kind, because the other men tell me that theirs never
reach them either. They are not sunk because I get all the letters, and
parcels. I am told that they simply hold them up at the Post Offices for
want of space. I got a note from Neil to say that he is all right again,
but has not gone up the line yet. Mc was greatly surprised to hear that I
was here. He loves the army too, with the same degree of affection as I do.
The same awful weather continues here, but still we have a lot to be
thankful for. We get plenty of good food, but the people outside the army
are still short and in one place in London last week the margerine record
was broken, six thousand people waiting for many hours at one place, and the
papers say the spirit of the people is splended. You ought to hear what the
people say about it.
