Neil – Mother: 13 Oct 1918

Dear Mother,
Since writing last I have received a tin of Brown Betty (walnut, very excellent) and a tin of sugar.

Also a letter from you 4-8-18. Your hope that that I would get a job in England had just come true as you were writing. I met a close friend of Kvoufeldt’s (?) here and mentioned what you said in the letter. It was the first he’d heard of it. Do you keep a note of all parcel’s you send? I have mentioned all that I receive. Some go west en route I think.

Also a letter from Gorrie 15-8-18. I am surprised at Vic starting work again. Why did he not get Massey to make some arrangements for him?

Another letter from Gorrie 28-7-18. You still don’t seem to realise that it is Trot who is having all the luck, as far as returns to N.Z. are concerned.

I received the £15 yesterday. Did I tell you to transfer £5-10-0 from my account to Trots? Just re-transfer 30/- back to mine will you? Do not do any other transferring at his behest without my agreeing. I owe him all I have said and quite likely 10/- or so more. He wants to call off my debt of about £4 to him. My dignity as a sergeant (still without pay or leave) will not allow it.

Sent Gertie a little P.C. album for her birthday yesterday. Leslie has gone into hosp. at Codford for an operation for hernia. Thanks for the dough


P.S. How is my credit?

3 months ago I bet 2/6 that there wd be an armistice by agreement on the Western Front before the end of Nov. Looks as if I shall be able to collect the dough soon.