Vic – Mother: 28 Feb 1918

Codford 28/2/18
Dear Mother
Just got the NZ mail five from home, the latest date Dec 30th and some interesting cuttings. I also had a letter from Norman dated 18/2/18. He is all right. Mack is at Sling, but expects to have his leave before long. Neil is still at the convalescent depot. I was hoping that I would be able to tell you this week, what I am going to do. I went before the medical board a fortnight ago, but no word has come through yet. I am not likely to go to France again, for a long while. and there is not much chance of ever going back. I feel all right but my strength is not what it was. I will probably be put on to some light job here unless I am lucky enough to be sent home. I got a splendid parcel last week, a tin of biscuits all fresh and crisp, not even broken. They tasted lovely, as they are not allowed to put any sugar into biscuits here. I think mixed biscuits is the best kind of parcel you could send unless they allow sugar to come through. If I should be sent home I will send you a cable, and any parcels on the way I can arrange for neil or Norman to get
