Vic – Mother: 12 Sep 1917

Hornchurch, Essex
Wed 12/9/17
Dear Mother
I got three letters this morning, one from Dad, dated 11/7/17, and two from you 22/7/17 and 25/7/17,  the latter one just after you got the cable.  I was surprised to here that I had been reported severe, because I asked them to report it slight, but it seems that they took no notice.  From what you say it was just as well I did not send another cable.  I was nearly going to, but I thought it would only give you a shock, and do no good.  The Dick Woods you saw in the magazine is not the one we know, but a much older man.  He was in egypt before and told me he met another Dick Woods there who is very likely the one we know.  Norman & Neil was up here on Thursday 6th and I got leave on Friday and the three of us spent the day in London.  They went back to Sling the same night, but did not think they would be going to France for a good while yet.  Geo. Stenenson is still here, so is Bob Ness.  I am not sure if Eldridge is still here.  I have not seen him lateley.  I think I told you before that I called at East India Docks Rd to see V Brownlee but he was away.  I called again but he was still away, but they had a letter saying he would be home in Oct.  There is not much news from here that I can think of just now.  Fritz (slang term for the German air force) comes over pretty often lately, the last three times by moonlight, but he never does much damage.  Tell Dad I will write to him next letter.  By this time next week I will be getting leave, then for Bonnie Scotland for two weeks.  I will not come back here, but go to Codford rest camp.  I may see Norman and Neil from there, as it is only eighteen miles from Sling.
